Thursday 27 January 2011


" Faces of type are like men's faces. They have their own expression; their complexion & peculiar twists & turns of line identify them immediately to friends, whom each is full of identity "

- J.L Frazier

Fountain Timber

Fountain Timber, a timber company in north somerset set out to 4 colleges set out a brief to design an advertisement for end of winter/early spring time. Weston college was not only lucky enough to win all 3 prizes, but i was lucky enough to win 1st prize with this advertisement. It was used on the internet and in magazines.

Burroughs Dance Center

My younger brother is a British champion ballroom dancer and i noticed that his dance school didnt have a logo or an identity. It began as a small project for pleasure to design a logo and corporate identity to keep my mind going over the summer. But then after i showed his dance teacher the ideas i had come up with she really liked it and decided to run with it. It now printed on t-shirts, flyers and various web pages

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Carrying on from the I Am Me What Shall i be brief i then went on to begin my ideas in creating some playful business cards to send away to various companies in aid of getting a work placement. I began looking into some free standing pop out business cards

From this I went back to the tree I made from I Am Me What Shall I Be and made my own version of a pop out business card here are some photographs i took.


A flyer for an applied arts showcase. Simply a flyer that reflects the word transition. Researching into transition i discovered that in the periodic table there is a group of elements called The Transition Metals. Studying this i found that mercury is one of these transition metals and that i had access to some in the science department of the university. Here are some photographs i took of the mercury.

I particularly liked the photograph on the right, the closeness of the shot made the light reflection and pink color which i thought was a really nice effect. 


Researching to typefaces i found that Baskerville is one of the transitional or baroque serif typefaces that first appeared in the mid-18th century. They are among the most common, including typefaces such as Times New Roman. They are in between modern and old style, thus the name "transitional."

I then combined this typeface with my photograph to create this flyer

A Chorus Line

Live Brief
A Chorus Line - A Footlights production, as me to create a logo and corporate identity to help promote their production.

This was the origanal art work for the production. A Chorus Line is a musical about Broadway dancers auditioning for spots on a chorus line. I wanted to reflect the goal the broadway dancers were working towards. Here is the logo and graphics i created for them.


Student zine for Weston college
Starting by looking into existing zines I came across these on the creative review blog. If you follow the link it takes you to the page where there are a couple more on the creative review website.

What I learnt from looking into existing zines is that they are generally small hand made magazines. Unlike glossy magazines in the shop they are more 'designed' and have more heart. Many of the illustrations throughout are hand rendered as is the typography. They are a lot more artistic than your general magazine and is more like something you would choose to keep.

For my student magazine I was given the title Vynil, and it was to be based on the idea of music, but its not solely about music. I decided to go with a retro/kitsch themed cover, then using mixed various media make the inside vibrant and carrying the same theme throughout.

A World In Words

Researching Langauge In Social Context as a broad subject my next brief was to created a short creative publication based on my research. When researching Language within social context i came across animal and insect communication and found myself very interested in how ants communicate by leaving each other chemical messages and how there are much like humans in that they wage war agaist one another ect. Thinking about how ants work i began some research in how i could use typography to reflect this. These are a few pictures i found on the internet whilst researching highlighting ant behaviour.
is also a publication i looked into

Next i started researching typography which i feel reflect this. Here are just a few pieces that i found whilst researching on various websites. I used words such as flowing typography, following typography, bitty typography, as i felt these word descibed ant movement the most effectivly.

After This i went into my own design work. I decided to keep to blacks and greys and use no imagery so i can the strongest feeling of ant communication throught typography alone, my publication is solely going to rely on typography. Each page leads onto the next in that the sentence or word each page ends with is not the full stop but carries onto the next page this is to hightlight the fact that ants follow each other. Something i thought about a lot wile doing this was how

 'when were in a plane, looking down on the world, the world looks like tiny ants'

i wanted to reflect this thought and how the size of ants relate to us.

I Am Me What Shall i Be?

I began this brief by answering various questions about myself. At the time i was in Madeira-Portugal, i went on a Lavada walk where there were thousands leaves scattered across the ground all in beautiful colors, reds, greens, yellows and browns. I was looking back through my answers and one of the answers was a tree, so i decided to collect the leaves and write my answers on them. At the end of the walk we went to a wicker factory where i had a basket made to put them in.

I then went on to create a 3d object out of paper combined with some 3D type. I carried on with my tree theme and created a free standing 3d tree with free standing type to go with it. 

Friday 14 January 2011

Ship Happens

I was on my way to university the other morning and i saw a tiny little, highly eroded dingy in someone's front garden. On the side in an elegant typeface the boat was named 'ship happens' this made me laugh to myself on the way to uni as i thought about how i could could recreate this in an illustration. 

On that same day i was also reading creative review and came across an advertisement page for a group of designers which i looked further into on where i came across designer and illustrator Jonny Voss. A lot of his work is very cartoon style with lots of characters and interesting hand rendered doodles this being one of my favorites. The simplicity is effective and the characters quite quirky and different. 

I then applied this to 'Ship Happens' and created this quick illustration in the style of the Jonny Voss illustration.
Continuing on my identity theme and also in aid of an essay here i brain stormed some of the aspects of design that i appreciate most and also some of the styles i follow myself. The way i have drawn this brain storm says a lot about me in itself, i have drawn around it and the writing 'sits where it fell' It makes the whole  brainstorm a bit more fun and interesting, it also adds a bit of humor to something that could have been quite mundane without. I find that i myself accompany a lot of what i write weather its something quite serious or just general notes with little scribbles, so that writing is not just plain writing, but something quite interesting to look it as well, it draws me into the page and makes me want to read it.


To begin this academic year we began by thinking about out identity, and self branding. This is important as its going to reflect who we are as graphic designers and more importantly help us achieve our much anticipated work placements. Here is a sketch book entry, of a general overview on some of the aspects i am beginning to consider.