Wednesday 23 March 2011


Keen to experience Graphic Design in the working world I have been creating this identity for myself to send out to various design and illustration companies. I went through a series of processes and design options beginning with a series of playful business cards leading onto direct mailer options many conveying characters that I had created. Branding myself and finding one specific identity for myself has been an interesting journey and in the end I decided I was not one thing, but many. So the mix and match series of squares I feel mirrors my personality. 

Vinyl - Student Zine Revisited

Looking back through my original zine design, as much as I liked the use of color during the design process, now its all put together I feel that the backgrounds may be a bit to 'eyebally' and the typography needs to be revisited.

No. Zine
As part of the redesign to my zine I also revisited the research I had done into the zine and I came across No. Zine. Here is the description of No. Zine from the website 

No.Zine is an independent arts zine, released in series and featuring a variety of young artists, designers, writers, photographers and illustrators. Each issue is conceptually centred around it's issue number.
Curation, illustration, design and art-direction by Patrick Fry with the help of many great contributors.

No.Zine can be found in many
small bookshops and art spaces
around London.

Here is my zine, revisited. I feel it flows a lot better, has a crisper clean feel to it, and the typography has been done to a higher level.